Wednesday, 29 August 2012

One In The Eye For My American Pie

My lovely missus is from across the pond and we like nothing better than affectionately trying to teach each other about each countries best music, i go on to her about all my beloved ska bands from the 80s and tell her why Blur and Oasis, The Clash and The Pistols are so important etc and as she smiles sweetly at me i just know she has completely glazed over and is really thinking about the next pair of Alexander Wang boots she is going to get. On the other hand i'll pretend i'm listening as she intelligently goes about explaining the ins and outs of Bay Area Hip Hop or American Folk music or A Tribe Called Quest when really i'm thinking 'i wonder if The Fox will be showing the Chelsea game'
In other words our musical tastes can be somewhat different at times but the other day i thought i'd cracked it, as i waited in the van to pick her up from work i thought about a band that i have been obsessed with since day one, a band inspired by all her favourite artists and a band that are so American that they should have carried the Stars and Stripes and lead out the American athletes at the Olympics. The band is of course the brilliant Gaslight Anthem. I stuck on their latest album and we pretty much listened to it all on our journey home, as we pulled up to the flat i eagerly asked her what she thought hoping that finally we could agree on a band, her response: 'nah, i don't love 'em, they sound like mainstream American radio music'!!!
GRRRRRRRRRRR, back to the drawing board, we'll get there in the end doll! x
In the mean time i bloody love them so here are some belters for me and everyone else that actually has ears.  
Oh and just so you know i like to describe them as the love child of Springsteen and The Clash which i'm sure would please them more than 'mainstream American radio music' ha!



The 59 sound

Old White Lincoln